forgiveness & salvation
If you really want to have Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior in your life, or if you just want to recommit your life to Jesus Christ, there is one important thing you must do first.
Do you have unforgiveness in your heart?
Is there someone or a multitude of people whom you haven’t forgiven??
In the Bible Jesus says in Matthew 6:14-15, If you forgive men of their trespass, Your Heavenly Father in Heaven will forgive you, if you do not forgive men of their trespass, Neither will your Father forgive you.
So it’s important to set aside a few minutes, and think about everyone you need to forgive, and take a deep breath……And really deep down in your heart, Forgive Them.
Once you have done this.
Say this Prayer Out Loud….
Dear Lord Jesus,
Come into my heart, and please forgive me of sins, and the things I have done to trespass against you. I have forgiven those who have trespassed against me, and I thank you in advance for forgiving me. Make me a new creation in you. Mold me into the person you want me to be. I humbly submit myself to you. I thank you for dying on the cross and shedding your precious blood for my sins, and on that 3rd day you resurrected from the grave, and because of that, we have Victory in you. I thank you, My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for accepting me into your Kingdom, and embracing me as your own. I am yours from this day moving forward. I Love You Lord, in Jesus Name Amen!!
If you have said this prayer, welcome to the FAMILY, Beloved!!
I encourage you to get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, as soon as you possibly can, according to Acts 2:38
Reach out to us, if you would like to get baptized, and we can arrange a date and time for you.